ProctyClean® intimate hygiene pen

The patented ProctyClean® intimate care pen is gently and easily inserted through the sphincter muscle into the anus to clean where the problems arise. The innovation for symptoms such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, itching and much more at the anus. There, the ProctyClean® intimate hygiene pen gently removes faecal residue from the canal.

excl. shipping | delivery time 3-5 busines days
ProctyClean_sicheres_bezahlen ProctyClean_Geld_Zurück_Garantie ProctyClean_Patentiert ProctyClean_Made_In_Germany ProctyClean_das_Original von Ludwig Römhild

"Die Innovation aus Deutschland. Es gibt weltweit kein vergleichbares Produkt zur Pflege des Analkanals - erhöhte Hygiene lindert bei Analfissuren, Hämorrhoiden, Jucken am After u.v.m."

★ The patented ProctyClean® intimate hygiene kit for men and women targets the cause, not the symptoms.

★ ProctyClean® quickly, gently and effectively removes stool residue from the anal canal and coats it with protective lipid layer.

★ ProctyClean® works where the problems arise, unlike toilet paper that just scratches the surface.

Inflammation, irritation and pain in the anal region are reduced through targeted hygiene.

★ Ointments, suppositories, sanitary pads and dirty laundry are largely eliminated.

Rapid improvement in well-being after just a few applications, thanks to the better hygiene. 

The patented ProctyClean® intimate hygiene pen provides long-lasting, gentle cleaning and care for the anal area. Always use the ProctyClean® intimate hygiene pen together with ProctyClean® vitamin E oil. In this way, the ProctyClean® intimate care pen gently removes faecal residue from the anal canal and leaves a nourishing lipid layer. This guarantees simple and safe anal cleansing. It helps with many complaints in the anal area, such as haemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal skin tags, anal itching, anal fistulas and many more.

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What ProctyClean® users say:


"Perhaps a larger shield diameter would make ProctyClean useful for people with anal prolapse. I feel very comfortable using ProctyClean. It handles well, and there is a pleasant feeling during insertion and removal. The cleaning effect is clearly noticeable."

Christopher K.


"The development of this device for prophylactic anal hygiene provides an excellent, unique approach.."

Dr. Johann F., proctologist


"Quite frankly, cleaning after bowel movements with water, paper and wet wipes has always been unsatisfactory, perhaps comparable to the somewhat inept attempt to perform oral hygiene with a napkin. Since using the ProctyClean intimate hygiene pen, I finally have a real feeling of hygiene in the anal area and have been using the ProctyClean intimate hygiene pen regularly since day one for my personal hygiene".

Fabian L.


"Since using ProctyClean, lubrication of stool is no longer a problem. In general, an increased feeling of cleanliness and well-being."

Fabian P.


"Ich werde weiterhin den Intimpflege-Stift benutzen. Es ist einfach ein gutes Gefühl nach der Reinigung. Diese Erfindung ist einfach ideal!"

Franz D.